Study Weighs Low-Carb Diets
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Well whether it is proven to be a good or bad thing, it's still working for me, and I have to be better of with losing weight than keeping it on. For those interested to know if I'm still on my lose weight gig, yes I am and I've now lost a total of 70lbs. As long as I stay away from pizza, bread and sweets(candy) I can't really say I get any cravings or feel hungry.
One thing that I am dissapointed with is that trousers that used to fit me when I weighed more than this still don't fit, so I am still trying to figure out where the weight is going from.
For those that say it must suck just eating meat, then you either haven't read Atkins or you're doing it wrong, I dont find myself eating any more meat than I did before, and strangly enough I probably eat more salads. You can read the story Study Weighs Low-Carb Dietshere.
Well whether it is proven to be a good or bad thing, it's still working for me, and I have to be better of with losing weight than keeping it on. For those interested to know if I'm still on my lose weight gig, yes I am and I've now lost a total of 70lbs. As long as I stay away from pizza, bread and sweets(candy) I can't really say I get any cravings or feel hungry.
One thing that I am dissapointed with is that trousers that used to fit me when I weighed more than this still don't fit, so I am still trying to figure out where the weight is going from.
For those that say it must suck just eating meat, then you either haven't read Atkins or you're doing it wrong, I dont find myself eating any more meat than I did before, and strangly enough I probably eat more salads. You can read the story Study Weighs Low-Carb Dietshere.
Posted by Dad At 07:34:17 AM On 05/18/2004 | - Website - |
This is what troubles me about so much medical science these days. There is a load of received wisdom on dietary matters (low fat is good for you, fatty foods increase blood lipids, and so on and so forth). None has any real research behind it. Much is actually sponsored by the government who would seem to like to tax fatty foods.
In fact the Atkins approach is not new. My mother (a general medical practitioner until her untimely death in 1982) was a long time proponent of just this approach and this is why, despite a liking for eating too much, I was never more than a little bit overweight until I somehow forgot her advice in the mid to late 80s and eventually got very large indeed - all the while eschewing cheese, butter, read meat and so on while eating plenty of "healthy" food like pasta.
It was only at a company sponsored medical two years ago when the physician there noted that I was generally healthy but way too fat and offered some advice on correcting the situation that I rediscovered it.
His advice was all about managing carbohydrate intake. I modified what he told me until I found an approach that I could live with. And I have lived that way ever since, never feeling particularly hungry or as if I am in a diet. The weight fell off and I now buy clothes the same size as I did when I was 18 (which is longer ago than I care to point out here).
Posted by Chris Linfoot At 08:53:11 AM On 05/18/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Daisyrat At 12:03:33 PM On 05/19/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Cali At 02:02:39 PM On 05/20/2004 | - Website - |
I've hit and stuck at a 60lb loss for 9 months now and plan to stay here for a good long time. I think that it's just a matter of what works for the individual - for some, low fat works, for some, low carbs. Exercise doesn't hurt either one.
See you in a few days!
Posted by Rob Novak At 11:05:10 PM On 05/24/2004 | - Website - |
All the arguments about fat burning were debunked.
They didn't go into the long term health effects though.
FWIW, I followed Atkins for a month to lose 8 kilos, and then switched back to a low fat maintenance diet. I have found that the month on Atkins re-educated my body to eat less, and that has stuck.
Posted by Gareth Howell At 11:48:04 AM On 05/31/2004 | - Website - |