A Sametime Links hint and tip.
Category Sametime Technote
My understanding of Javascript isn't great enough to understand this, but it's a nice one that can cause hours of frustration if it gets you. Let's look at the following code:
Some fools (like me) might try and reduce this to the following:
See how:
was removed, well that simple removal process means that Sametime Links on this page will never login, I have no idea why, as I don't know the inner workings of JavaScript within a browser, but it is something to keep an eye out for if your ST Links page loads the applet but never logs in.
My understanding of Javascript isn't great enough to understand this, but it's a nice one that can cause hours of frustration if it gets you. Let's look at the following code:
<SCRIPT src="CODEBASE/stlinks.js"></SCRIPT>
writeSTLinksApplet("Anonymous User","",false);
writeSametimeLink("CN=Carl Tyler/OU=US/O=Instant","Carl Tyler",false);
Some fools (like me) might try and reduce this to the following:
<SCRIPT src="CODEBASE/stlinks.js"></SCRIPT>
writeSTLinksApplet("Anonymous User","",false);
writeSametimeLink("CN=Carl Tyler/OU=US/O=Instant","Carl Tyler",false);
See how:
was removed, well that simple removal process means that Sametime Links on this page will never login, I have no idea why, as I don't know the inner workings of JavaScript within a browser, but it is something to keep an eye out for if your ST Links page loads the applet but never logs in.
I Found that Anonymous login is not working with my sametime sever. The setups are as given
stconfig.nsf ==> Anonymous access
Anonymous Access Settings for this Sametime Community:
Anonymous Users can register themselves: false
Use Authenticated Binding: true
Default Anonymous domain: Guest
Default Anonymous name prefix: User
Anonymous Users to Community Services is Enabled: true
Anonymous Users can Browse: true
Anonymous Users can Resolve: true
Anonymous Users can View Groups: true
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="{ Link } TYPE="text/css">
<SCRIPT src="{ Link }
setSTLinksURL("{ Link }
writeSametimeLink("ajish","Ajish Jacob",true)
Kindly advise
Posted by ajish At 03:28:38 AM On 09/16/2010 | - Website - |