Another Sametime tip? I don't believe it!
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Yes it's true. This one came back to me from a question someone asked in the Business Partner forum, it's a trick I've shown a few customers and is a pretty easy work around a silly limitation in the Sametime meeting room applet. In Sametime meetings, you can have a whiteboard, that you can do markup on. the Whiteboard comes with a default of one page. Many people would like more pages, but you can't add them. So here is a simple trick to let you add more pages to the whiteboad.
The nice thing is, you can switch between the pages, and it remembers what you had on them.
Yes it's true. This one came back to me from a question someone asked in the Business Partner forum, it's a trick I've shown a few customers and is a pretty easy work around a silly limitation in the Sametime meeting room applet. In Sametime meetings, you can have a whiteboard, that you can do markup on. the Whiteboard comes with a default of one page. Many people would like more pages, but you can't add them. So here is a simple trick to let you add more pages to the whiteboad.
- Create a PowerPoint presentation with 20 blank pages or however many whiteboard pages you want, no backgrounds etc. Save it as Whiteboard.ppt
- Create a meeting and attach the file to the meetings whiteboard
- In the meeting you now have Whiteboard.ppt in the whiteboard, and can draw away on the 20 pages.
The nice thing is, you can switch between the pages, and it remembers what you had on them.