I'm dissapointed Kerry won.
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There are a couple of problems I see with Kerry, the first was he never would have attacked George Bush until he realised how well it was working for Howard Dean, so he doesn't exactly come across as someone with his own ideas. Secondly I think he has a lot of stuff hidden away in his closet right now that is going to come out in the last couple of months before the election, at which point it will be too late to save him. No idea if this will happen, it's just a gut feeling. Also isn't is head just too long? Like a silly putty head that has been stretched?
There are a couple of problems I see with Kerry, the first was he never would have attacked George Bush until he realised how well it was working for Howard Dean, so he doesn't exactly come across as someone with his own ideas. Secondly I think he has a lot of stuff hidden away in his closet right now that is going to come out in the last couple of months before the election, at which point it will be too late to save him. No idea if this will happen, it's just a gut feeling. Also isn't is head just too long? Like a silly putty head that has been stretched?
I'll likely vote for Bush again since Alan Keyes doesn't appear to be anywhere on the Radar... I originally supported him as a nice alternative to continual oligarchic rule during the 2000 run up. It will pretty much be a split vote again this year like it was last time. If we'd had Edwards on the ballot, it would have gone his way with a wide margin I think as he appeals to moderates, the covetted swing-vote.
Posted by Jerry Carter At 10:02:45 AM On 03/04/2004 | - Website - |