A couple of TV shows that deserve credit...
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OK so a lot of TV in America is total rubbish, actually let me change that, a lot of TV all over the world is total rubbish so I tend not to watch too much of it.
Recently I saw "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart and I have to say what a hilarious show, I loved the interviews with journalists and just the way they show the stupid things people are saying in interviews. It gives one hope that there are some semi intelligent people out there.
Another show I really enjoy when I get to see it is "Curb you enthusiasm", at first I wasn't totally sure if I liked this, as I do find the acting (most of it improvised) a little rough around the edges, but now I love this show, much like Seinfeld, something happens at the beginning of the show that weaves it's way along to re-appear at the end. An excellent show, and show's just how much of a silent partner in Seinfeld Larry David was.
OK so a lot of TV in America is total rubbish, actually let me change that, a lot of TV all over the world is total rubbish so I tend not to watch too much of it.
Recently I saw "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart and I have to say what a hilarious show, I loved the interviews with journalists and just the way they show the stupid things people are saying in interviews. It gives one hope that there are some semi intelligent people out there.
Another show I really enjoy when I get to see it is "Curb you enthusiasm", at first I wasn't totally sure if I liked this, as I do find the acting (most of it improvised) a little rough around the edges, but now I love this show, much like Seinfeld, something happens at the beginning of the show that weaves it's way along to re-appear at the end. An excellent show, and show's just how much of a silent partner in Seinfeld Larry David was.
Posted by Liz McKay At 01:40:28 PM On 03/02/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 02:06:01 PM On 03/02/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Joel Demay At 05:34:22 PM On 03/02/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Liz McKay At 02:22:06 PM On 03/04/2004 | - Website - |