Who is FlyboyTyler?
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Sometimes a few people ask me why my Yahoo name is FlyboyTyler, is it because I fly by the seat of my pants? Is it because I'm a fly by night stud? Ehm, not exactly, the real reason is that my younger brother and I both have pilot licenses, and a few years ago we decided to try our hands at a little web page creation, so that pictures of our exploits etc. could be posted. At the time we created the site I was an Internet SmartSuite Marketing Manager at Lotus, originally it was just SmartSuite Marketing Manager, but they changed us all to Internet SMMs to make it appear like we were web savvy.
Anyway, I decided it would probably be a good idea to build a website with Word Pro, seen as I was demonstrating and explaining to people how great a HTML editor Word Pro was (what was I thinking), so a joint website with my brother was born, which amazingly enough I just found out is still active on Geocities at http://www.geocities.com/flyboytyler/ although a number of links no longer work. As you can see the website hasn't been touched in years, so back to FlyboyTyler, well the reason this exists is that it was a shared email with my brother to handle questions we got through the website etc. and over time, well as any big brother does, I forced my brother out by changing the password. So FlyboyTyler became my alter ego email address for spam and all the other junk I don't want going to my business account.
So why the picture of Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft? Well it has nothing to do with my name, it has nothing to do with Lara Croft (in fact I have never even seen the game), but boy oh boy unless I am missing something, Angelina Jolie is screaming hot in that suit, so basically it was put there for my satisfaction
Sometimes a few people ask me why my Yahoo name is FlyboyTyler, is it because I fly by the seat of my pants? Is it because I'm a fly by night stud? Ehm, not exactly, the real reason is that my younger brother and I both have pilot licenses, and a few years ago we decided to try our hands at a little web page creation, so that pictures of our exploits etc. could be posted. At the time we created the site I was an Internet SmartSuite Marketing Manager at Lotus, originally it was just SmartSuite Marketing Manager, but they changed us all to Internet SMMs to make it appear like we were web savvy.
Anyway, I decided it would probably be a good idea to build a website with Word Pro, seen as I was demonstrating and explaining to people how great a HTML editor Word Pro was (what was I thinking), so a joint website with my brother was born, which amazingly enough I just found out is still active on Geocities at http://www.geocities.com/flyboytyler/ although a number of links no longer work. As you can see the website hasn't been touched in years, so back to FlyboyTyler, well the reason this exists is that it was a shared email with my brother to handle questions we got through the website etc. and over time, well as any big brother does, I forced my brother out by changing the password. So FlyboyTyler became my alter ego email address for spam and all the other junk I don't want going to my business account.
So why the picture of Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft? Well it has nothing to do with my name, it has nothing to do with Lara Croft (in fact I have never even seen the game), but boy oh boy unless I am missing something, Angelina Jolie is screaming hot in that suit, so basically it was put there for my satisfaction
Whilst the film will probably suck Ms Jolie does indeed look, how did you put it? Screaming hot. Must have been sprayed on surely.
Posted by Tony C At 06:10:02 PM On 07/27/2003 | - Website - |
Sprayed on? Hmm, not sure, but I'd be more than willing to help peel it off. I am sure the film will be lame, just trying to decide if I could manage to be shallow enough to take it purely as a visual arts exercise and try and avoid looking for a story line.
Posted by Carl At 09:37:58 PM On 07/27/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Chris Miller At 05:26:59 PM On 07/28/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 05:35:44 PM On 07/28/2003 | - Website - |