Can I hear 6?
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Gillette unveils 5-bladed razor. My experience with four was bad enough. If I was Schick, I'd be clever and think hhmm, if we do 6 they'll do 7, so let's go straight to 7!
Remember when Microsoft Office jumped about 5 versions to catch up with WordPerfect?
Gillette unveils 5-bladed razor. My experience with four was bad enough. If I was Schick, I'd be clever and think hhmm, if we do 6 they'll do 7, so let's go straight to 7!
Remember when Microsoft Office jumped about 5 versions to catch up with WordPerfect?
From February 2004:
Posted by Lisa At 12:21:29 PM On 09/15/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Steven At 09:15:25 AM On 09/16/2005 | - Website - |