Shock and Awe
Category None
If the results of yesterdays election go the way that the Bushies predicted at 5.00am this morning, I am concerned at how the rest of the world will view the USA and it's citizens. Already at an all time low, this choice won't help it, last time the rest of the world gave some leeway as the majority of Americans didn't vote for Bush, this time there's no excuse. Now where are those Canadian immigration papers...
I respect the people that took the time to vote though, and this is democracy so now I'll shut up about Bush.
If the results of yesterdays election go the way that the Bushies predicted at 5.00am this morning, I am concerned at how the rest of the world will view the USA and it's citizens. Already at an all time low, this choice won't help it, last time the rest of the world gave some leeway as the majority of Americans didn't vote for Bush, this time there's no excuse. Now where are those Canadian immigration papers...

I respect the people that took the time to vote though, and this is democracy so now I'll shut up about Bush.
Posted by Lisa At 01:24:31 PM On 11/03/2004 | - Website - |
This will isolate them more...and god help us what he will do next....
have a nice day
Posted by Paul B At 01:25:20 PM On 11/03/2004 | - Website - |
What about Madeline Albright's comment last year in France that Osama Bin Laden would magically captured appear before the election? Can we now admit this was nothing more than her attempt to sell a book?
Bush was elected by the popular vote and the electoral college, and now with Kerry's concession (sparing us the legal BS) - I would suggest that the biggest people who are go on about this are the media folks who've made a crapload of money off of selling us anger.
It's time to turn off Air America, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Michael Moore and start talking to your neighbors. And stop reading so damned many blogs.
Posted by jon johnston At 01:38:28 PM On 11/03/2004 | - Website - |
Here's the county-by-county map:
Posted by Greg At 12:06:13 AM On 11/04/2004 | - Website - |