Today I met an undecided voter
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I honestly didn't believe these people really exist, but they do! I know some people avoid talking about things like politics, sex and religion at work, but I've never had any problem discussing any of them. Obviously you don't raise these things yourself first, you wait until you get to know the people you're presenting to or working with and then make a judgement call. So when politics was being discussed today at lunch, I was really surprised that one of the people I was working with was an undecided, how can that be? What's to decide? Needless to say I gave said customer a great deal of ribbing and told them to either vote Kerry or not vote
I honestly didn't believe these people really exist, but they do! I know some people avoid talking about things like politics, sex and religion at work, but I've never had any problem discussing any of them. Obviously you don't raise these things yourself first, you wait until you get to know the people you're presenting to or working with and then make a judgement call. So when politics was being discussed today at lunch, I was really surprised that one of the people I was working with was an undecided, how can that be? What's to decide? Needless to say I gave said customer a great deal of ribbing and told them to either vote Kerry or not vote

I like this piece about being overwhelmed by the rhetoric of both campairns:
Posted by Lisa At 08:02:18 AM On 11/02/2004 | - Website - |