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Watch out if you move your data directory and come to upgrade your notes client.

This weekend I decided it was time to upgrade my main machine to Notes 8.5.2, no reason to do it really apart from I should probably be using the latest.  To be honest, Notes 8.5.2 has been having some display issues, so I've been kind of missing 8.5.1, but anyway that's not the point of this post.  This post is to do with moving your notes data directory and upgrading your notes client.

So many months ago, I moved my notes data directory to a different drive on my machine, easy just move the folder, and change any references in the notes.ini to the new folder.  Took all of about 5 minutes.  Everything ran great.  Then this weekend I downloaded Notes 8.5.2 and fired of the installation, and low and behold it asked for the install program and data directory and the data directory was still pointing at the C drive.  The dialog that appears in the installer cannot be changed either, so I had to figure out where the C drive value was coming from, as all my NSFs etc. were on my I: drive as I had moved and had been happily working with them.  It turns out, with the mish mash of code that Notes client has become, some settings are pulled from the registry and some are pulled from the notes.ini, so it appears older notes stuff is pulled from the notes.ini and newer eclipse stuff is pulled from the registry, the installer was using the registry.

So the key I found in the registry was: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lotus\Notes\DataPath

The reason mine has a Wow6432Node in there is because I'm running on 64 bit windows.  If you're running a 32 bit windows OS you can remove the Wow6432Node.

Anyway I changed the path found in that key to the path where my data folder was and everything went fine.  Trouble was, after the upgrade all my settings had gone, sametime logins, many of the preferences etc. as I guess they had never been moved to I but had been kept in the previous data directory.

Anyway, hopefully this will help someone else in the future if you move your notes data directory.


Gravatar Image1 - Interesting! Thanks for posting! I'm sorry to see the registry getting hit increasingly more, but it's not a surprise. Emoticon

Gravatar Image2 - Same goes for the server, but it doesn't appear in the official documentation on moving a server data directory.

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I requested that the technote be updated back in June of this year...

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