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Upcoming travels...

Some travels in the next few weeks, so apologies if I'm lazy and blog less (yes even less than I have been lately, hard to imagine I know).

Next week Malvern, PA
Week after we have Collaboration University in London, UK
Week after that Collaboration University in Chicago, USA
Then in November I head out to Denmark where I'll be presenting  at DANNOTES and then from Denmark I head over to Northern Ireland for ILUG


Gravatar Image1 - So nobody rob Carl's house please.

Gravatar Image2 - Nah my folks are here Art with the dog. So it's all safe.

Gravatar Image3 - All good then, I'll plan to rob somewhere else.

Gravatar Image4 - Hey stopping bye Manchester in the end!?

Gravatar Image5 - hey still stopping by Manchester (uk) btw!?

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