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The US election is a bit like a basketball game


It's pretty boring until the last two minutes.  For years the media have been pretty much focused on nothing here, but who's going to run, who's going to win and it's been pretty even all the way through, just like most basketball games, and then we down to the last week, where we're going to see a winner, the teams try new tactics and go all out to win the game, I have to say I'm quite excited to see the outcome next week.  


Gravatar Image1 - Did you catch the Daily Show last night?

"If you look at the latest Rasmusin poll and compare it to today's Gallup poll you'll see that LET'S JUST #$^%ing VOTE ALREADY!"

{ Link }

(My wife said they played this clip 8 on the morning news show this morning. I can just imagine how hard it's been for them, having to talk about this for 3 hours every day for who knows how long!)

Gravatar Image2 - @1 Yes I saw it. Love the Daily Show. I keep meaning to try and get tickets one time when I'm in NYC.

Gravatar Image3 - I think everyone, no matter where you sit in the viewpoint, is ready for this to be over.

Me, personally, I am not going to stick around downtown Chicago next tuesday. I live just north of where the 1 million person rally is going to be .. and I am getting the heck out of dodge. And not because its Obama, but because we see celebrations for sports games turn bad ...

Gravatar Image4 - Actually you unintentionally hit on the real issue here. The problem is that people (Americans anyway, that's all I can talk about) no longer treat it as a process of getting the best people to govern. Instead, they've pledged "fandom" to a party or ideology and then root for it to always win. I see this especially with Obama; hopefully it sustains but the historical odds are low. Pretty scary.

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