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How's the snow piling up this year?


I probably shoud have shaved before recording this, but this is the snow on the front lawn, this is not deep because of snow ploughs or anything like that , this is just the snow accumulation even including some thaws. Where the snow plough has pushed the snow to the side it's about 80 inches deep and I've pretty much run out of places to put it.


Gravatar Image1 - ya gotta love the snow - we don't have that much here in Connecticut - what state do you call home?

Gravatar Image2 - Keep an eye on the roof. Few collapsed roofs in NH.

Gravatar Image3 - yep about the same here in Southern New hampshire, USA!

Gravatar Image4 - @1 I'm in Barrington, NH Victor.

@2 No problem Wassim, my snow comes through my roof as water.

@3 I think Andrew Pollack still has us both beat Emoticon

Gravatar Image5 - Here in west-central Maryland, we haven't had enough to even bother writing about. We've had rain, we've had ice, but the only thing that really recharges groundwater is a good snow that takes some time to melt away. As a result, my spring hasn't run since October. The deep well is fine, but I don't drink that stuff.

Gravatar Image6 - Oh wow, how nice...:) Some day, you should blog about that amazing property you live on. Looks like a magic forest!

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