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Problems in OpenDocument Format land?


Former OpenDocument advocates bolt for W3C standard
Adding a twist to a high-stakes conflict over document formats, some advocates for OpenDocument, or ODF, are abandoning the standard in favor of the World Wide Web Consortium's Compound Document Formats standard.

The reason? Technical limitations in sharing ODF files with Microsoft Office applications.

"We can't meet our market requirements with OpenDocument," said Gary Edwards who started the OpenDocument Foundation last year. "The truth is OpenDocument was never designed to meet market requirements."


Gravatar Image1 - Rob Weir wrote about this a while ago...

{ Link }

Gravatar Image2 - Having been all too close to this situation, I have to caution readers that this is not what it seems. Gary Edwards and some of his colleagues formed the organization called the "OpenDocument Foundation", and even invited me to join, which I did briefly. The people involved were participants on the OASIS TC, and provided some great contributions to the effort, but then got very caught up in trying to "cash in" by incorporating their daVinci plugin as a pseudo-standard. You can read a far more in depth analysis on Rob Weir's site at { Link } but in general, take anything Gary Edwards and Marbux say with a large grain of salt. I would not see this as a true case of ODF advocates diverging as much as a few people who wanted to cash in on their earlier efforts being willing to sink the ship if possible when they didn't get what they wanted.

Again, I have no complaint about anyone wanting to cash in on the ODF movement. I'd be happy to do so myself. I just don't pretend to be a non-profit with a name that implies more clout than I have.

Gravatar Image3 - Ben/Nathan thanks for the clarification Interesting stuff. Thanks.

Gravatar Image4 - Ben wrote: "The people involved were participants on the OASIS TC, and provided some great contributions to the effort, but then got very caught up in trying to "cash in" by incorporating their daVinci plugin as a pseudo-standard."

It's actually even worse than what Ben says. Those of us that contributed the real work to ODF 1.2 under the Foundation banner had nothing to do with any subsequent efforts to "cash in." Indeed, the decisions these guys have made were without any consultation or consent of the rest of us, which is precisely why almost all of us have nothing to do with them anymore.

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