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Is it possible to break your arm playing golf?

It turns out it is, when Peter gets back from Boston, I'll be sure to get him to write it up with his one good arm...

Peter King broken arm

Peter King broken arm

at next years tournament we'll aim for something even more exciting!


Gravatar Image1 - That looks like exactly the sort of break you might get if you were running down a hill and tripped, falling a good bit and protecting your face with your hands.

I say this because the x-ray like just like mine from when I was 12 and did just that (though admittedly the fall was 20 feet down an embankment). The only time I've ever broken a bone.

Hope he feels better soon.

Gravatar Image2 - OUCH!!

Gravatar Image3 - It would happen when he was with his Uncle Buck.
Hope you are feeling better by now Peter - were the nurses cute or was it you that was cute
Grandad and Grandma

Gravatar Image4 - Well Peter you don't have to live up to the motto on your shirt.We love you and hope your feeling better very very soon Lots of Love Grandma. Bethany will be over today to take good care of you XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX :-

Gravatar Image5 - i'm coming!!! ~YEY~ hope ur feeling ok petey :D xxxxxxx

Gravatar Image6 - OMG!

Actually, he'd had had enough of painting !

Hope Peter is feeling better and this does not make trouble with HLS when he flies home

Gravatar Image7 - Ouch! I hope the young chap is on the mend quickly!

Gravatar Image8 - Well cant say that is a greenstick and put a tubby grip on!!! Poor you, hoping feeling a little better. Lyons house.

Gravatar Image9 - Hope Peter (aka Graham!) gets feeling better so sorry to hear it was such a bad break!

Gravatar Image10 - Pete,

Get out there now!!!

I know a lovely beach (Yes, by the sea) where you can convalescence. Piper and her friends (all teenager girls in bikinis) will make sure you are comfortable (grape leaves and fans). We will have theater, song and poetry for you and NONE OF THIS GOLF JUNK!! I still can't believe that your uncle would expose to the worst of American culture (golf??). We will prepare your suite and notify the girls!


Gravatar Image11 - That explains the elbow-looking lump we saw on his arm that made us stop laughing at his wet wipeout. He was very brave for such a bad break. We'll have to do a virtual cast-signing.

Gravatar Image12 - @10 Do you know anywhere like this where the girls are a bit older? If you do, I may be tempted to take a baseball bat to one of my arms.

Gravatar Image13 - I'm feeling alot better now thanks and the cast is coming off in three weeks woohoo!!!

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