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Launching Sametime 7.5.1 has become a little irritating...

Now whenever I launch Sametime Connect I see this:


I imagine this has something to do with the Office integration within Sametime 7.5.1, which I haven't installed, so there is definitely some bug with Sametime here. Others in the Sametime forum have seen it also. Now if I had Outlook configured and setup I would probably think ok fair enough, but as I don't use Outlook and don't have it configured I wonder why the hell Sametime cares about it. I can't find a technote on it, but I did find this suggestion in the Sametime forum which appears to work:
Rename OutlookJNI.dll in the following directory:

c:\program files\IBM\sametime connect\plugins\com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.exchange.win32.x86_7.5.1.20070416/

The irritating thing for me is that I know this was seen by a few people during the beta test.


Gravatar Image1 - It's sad to say but there seem to be a few of these known bugs which have been released. After several good years where QA was very high up the list, we appear to be heading back to the R5 days where deadlines were more important than quality.

I hope it's not the case but it's certainly the impression I've formed with Sametime 7.5.1


Gravatar Image2 - We are looking into why this is happening. Another workaround would be to go into the advanced settings (Tools/Plugins/Manage Plugins from the Connect Client), and find and disable the "Sametime Exchange" feature. I'm pretty sure this would have the same result as what you described, though.

Gravatar Image3 - @2 That got it Adam. Thanks a much nicer option that renaming the file through the OS.

Gravatar Image4 - Thanks, now i know why Office 2007 setup starts when i start my pc...

Gravatar Image5 - The fix I found was to change the default mail program under external programs to be explicitly Lotus Notes.

Now if I could just find a way to have new messages appear as system tray bubbles rather than flashing the message window up. I tried all of the notification preferences but only seem to be for broadcast type messages.

Gravatar Image6 - Even the explicit naming of the external mail program isn't having affect at some clients

The DLL and Adam's solution work well

Gravatar Image7 - Thanks, . .the rename of OutlookJNI.dll got rid of the message.Emoticon

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