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I'm not sure what it is exactly that I like about football...


Oh and I hope England never meet Argentina in this WorldCup.


Gravatar Image1 - Carl, you may have a lousy team (85 minutes to score to T&T......), but definitely the best (un-)dressed supporters


Gravatar Image2 - could have found some fit guys aswell!!!!! so selfish!

Gravatar Image3 - I am now Swedish and will got for nationality soon!!!
GO SWEDEN..we want more!

Gravatar Image4 - stil waiting for the fit guys!! .. .

Gravatar Image5 - Nice! Rooney is going to tear Sweden apart tomorrow, and we'll see a new side to Owen at last. The Lions roar tomorrow!

Gravatar Image6 - New side of Owen didn't last very long unfortunatley. Looks like poor Michael may well be on his way to early retirement

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