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Sametime Meeting Center Customization - Part 2

Following on from last weeks customization of the Sametime Meeting Center, today's entry continues with further information on how you can easily change the Sametime Logo's you see in the meeting center pages. Don't worry these articles will get more in depth, but it's easier right now to start with the easy stuff, which allow you to easily brand the meeting center.

We have graphics files we're concerned with
The logo in the top left of the default meeting center welcome page

Location: http://STSERVER/stcenter.nsf/pages/Graphics/$FILE/sametimelogo.gif
Width=224 Height=38

To change the Welcome Page logo
  1. Create a replacement gif graphic that is 224x38 and call it sametimelogo.gif.
  2. Open the database stcenter.nsf on the Sametime server with a notes client
  3. Escape past the about screen
  4. In the bottom left select the document "Graphics" and press Ctrl+E (to put the document in edit mode)
  5. Find the attachment sametimelogo.gif and delete it
  6. Attach your new sametimelogo.gif in it's place

The logo in the top left of Active Meetings, scheduled meetings views etc.

Location: http://STSERVER/sametime/images/stwordmark.gif Width=155 Height=26

To change the top left logo
  1. Create a replacement gif graphic that is 155x26 and call it stwordmark.gif.
  2. Go to your physical Sametime server, and open the folder, \LOTUS\DOMINO\DATA\DOMINO\HTML\SAMETIME\IMAGES
  3. Replace the existing stwordmark.gif with your new one.

and finally the Background logo

Location: http://STSERVER/sametime/images/stbackground.gif

Width=845 Height=677

To change the top left logo
  1. Create a replacement gif graphic that is 845x677 and call it stbackground.gif.
  2. Go to your physical Sametime server, and open the folder, \LOTUS\DOMINO\DATA\DOMINO\HTML\SAMETIME\IMAGES
  3. Replace the existing stbackground.gif with your new one.

As you can see from what should be simple changes, the Sametime Meeting and Conference database are real dogs in their designs. You could probably use these databases in a session at Lotusphere as a great example of how not to design a domino database. There are so many things in these databases that could have been contained within single design elements but are spread around all over the place, some in forms, some in subforms, some in the folder structure of the server, some in head fields, you get the idea, hopefully these notes will help make it easier to change things.

Copyright 2006 Carl Tyler


Gravatar Image1 - Another great tip! These are going in the personal archives for sure!

Great Stuff!!

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