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Can you believe this, World Cup TV delayed 15 minutes!

I am in shock! All World Cup games will be delayed by 15 minutes, because US authorities are scared of someone showing a boob! I honestly think this is crazy, what are FIFA thinking bowing to meaningless threats? Especially from the country where hardly anyone will be watching it!

Please read this


Gravatar Image1 - Such is the power of the advertising dollar :(

Gravatar Image2 - Not joining MS this year?

Gravatar Image3 - Of course - if they delay the games, netwroks can insert ads of whatever length they care to and nobody watching will really know.

Of course nobody in Scotland will be watching either

Gravatar Image4 - That is clearly an April Fool's Day joke. Look at the "representatives" name. Good one though.

Gravatar Image5 - Look vvery closely at the URL. Then do a vvhois

VVell done!

Gravatar Image6 - What if they show French women with arm-pit hair? My kids don't need to see that, Carl. Are you show it's boobs they're worried about?

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