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My brother in-law got a major case of the giggles...

The other day when I was visiting my sisters family, my brother in-law got a major case of the giggles. What kicked this off I wondered? It turned out that looking through my recently posted photos he came across this set, and he just couldn't stop laughing. I just didn't get it, so he singled out this picture:


Still not seeing anything funny, he managed to say out between giggles that it reminded him of Peter Griffin in Family Guy. I still don't see it, taking this original picture:


and then editing it a little to make colours similar


There is just no resemblance...He has suggested I change the image on the top left to be Peter Griffin...

Update: My brother in-law didn't think I was being totally fair, so he sent me this modification to help his argument



Gravatar Image1 - As a Family Guy fanatic, I agree - the resemblance isn't close enough; but I know why - you need his glasses...

Just be glad you don't look like Stewie.


Gravatar Image2 - it is like your double!!!!!!!! its too funny!!!!!!

Gravatar Image3 - your sort of famous now!

Gravatar Image4 - 100% doppelganger

Gravatar Image5 - Yes it totally is you????!!!!!! When you editted the picture it made you look even more like him. Then when dad put the glasses on it made it even funnier!! hehehe

Gravatar Image6 - Couldn't help but make a comment... I MUST agree with your brother-in-law Carl! Too funny!

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