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A friend asked me a question today...

I know what I think about this, but I was surprised by the response of the person I was chatting to. So the question is "Is a college degree important when dating?", and would you choose not to date someone if they didn't have one?


Gravatar Image1 - Absolutely not important. The person's values, personality, way they live their life are important. I guess this sort of "requirement" turns into a slippery slope -- do you then not date someone because they went to a state uni? (Go, UMass!)

Actually, this strikes me as the sort of question that would matter much more to someone in their 20's -- the older you get, the less things like this ought to matter.

Gravatar Image2 - I've always contended that a degree (as the wizard says) is a piece of paper. Take certifications; some get theirs in a week, others work for a year. The fact in my mind is that the piece of paper only means that one has the tenacity, not necessarily the intelligence, to see it through to completion. I've met very smart people (quite rich I might add) with high school diplomas, and very mediocre people with doctorates. Are the doctors really smart, or are they educated?

I think we seek mates who match our intelligence.

Gravatar Image3 - It's not important, after all some of the most stupid people I met I met at Uni.

Gravatar Image4 - LOL! Sure, why not. Along with three types of ID, a credit report, health inspection forms, breed certification and a vaccination certificate....Does this person have a Web form set up for applicants?

Gravatar Image5 - BTW. Did I win a beer *this* time?

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