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It's 05-05-05 day!

Finally the US get's into line with the rest of the world displaying the date as DD-MM-YY, sadly they will probably revert to their old ways tomorrow. Supposedly they will reinstate the change June 6th next year. Simple things for simple minds eh. Does anyone else notice when they're driving the point at which their odometer reads the same forward as back, or when you wake up and the clock says 4:44 ?

Oh and don't forget to go and vote. Although just as with the US election the UK choices are pretty uninspiring, Michael Howard? Pleeeeeease he was useless enough before when he was in government....Tony Blair, well his track record speaks loud enough there, and then there's that other guy, red hair yellow party? Bring back the raving monster looney party, they probably deserve some votes this year.


Gravatar Image1 - How do you know we are DD-MM-YY today? We could be MM-DD-YY or YY-DD-MM or YY-MM-DD or.....

Gravatar Image2 - woooo i voted!!!!! well in the school vote!!! can vote next election tho cause i'll be 18!!!!! woooo ( don't really understand all this politics tho nd who is Michael Howard?!)

Gravatar Image3 - I have been filling out tons of forms over the past couple of days and constantly messing up my birth date on the forms...This MM-DD-YY stuff takes some getting used to (born 11-12 or was it 12-11?). I guess I'll have to put the letter "u" away for a few years as well (as in Colour, neighbour, etc).
And yes, both my wife and I noted that todays date was great for filling out the paperwork at the bank this morning.

Gravatar Image4 - "The worst potential usability problems come when the date is written only with numbers as in the following example, because the date's interpretation will be different from one country to another.
Imagine the following date: 02/04/03... Which does it mean?"


Gravatar Image5 - my friends dad voted for raving monster looney party so they got a vote and they got a seat in parliament!

Gravatar Image6 - Looney would have got my vote if they stood in my constituency purely on one policy - "We will issue a 99p coin to save on change"

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