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Spot the difference competition

The other day when I was chatting with someone after the NE Domino User Group meeting, someone asked me how the Sametime Connect client had changed since Lotus first acquired Databeam and Ubique. So that got me thinking what had changed? Lets look at them side by side, here are all the versions from 1.5 through to Sameitme 6.5.1 (I am missing 2.5), see if you can spot the differences....I'll post in a couple of days what the key differences were.

Sametime 1.5

Sametime 2.0

Sametime 3.0

Sametime 3.1

Sametime 6.5.1


Gravatar Image1 - This is remarkable, or not.
Simplicity is good. Simpleness is not.
Product Management is good. Product abandonment is not.

So little change is bizarre from a company that has, again and again, shown itself to outthink and outperform the industry (MSFT) when it comes to client software understanding and development (Notes). Then again, maybe to IBM it is remarkable! What say thee, IBM?

Gravatar Image2 - This was not a ding against IBM, although some may say that 5 year lead over Microsoft doesn't amount to much if not much changes, this really was in response to a question I got asked at the event.

I mean I know the client hasn't changed much, but when you see it in person, you realise really how much it hasn't changed. Saves a lot in training costs though.

Gravatar Image3 - Uhh....icons.....audio/video....loss of AIM. That crosses your whole example. That's from the user's shoes, of course. Your montage doesn't show backend improvements.

Gravatar Image4 - Tim L. You're right it doesn't show changes in meeting center, backend scaling improvements, STLinks addition in ST 2.5, COM toolkit, Audio/Video etc.

It shows the area where Microsoft focuses though, which is the front end that the majority of people see day in and day out.

Again not a ding posting, just a gallery of change or not so much change for the last 5-6 years.

Gravatar Image5 - As you say not much visual changes. Great for the users who don't constantly have to spend time relearning how to use the product. Upgrades with seemless end user impact - fantastic IBM.

Gravatar Image6 - Still no "Emoticons".... Come on IBM sort it out....

Gravatar Image7 - Are emoticons really all that necessary to the business user? ;-( <--character-based representation intentional

Gravatar Image8 - Yes they are. Business users are consumers too...just 'cos I'm sat in the office it doesn't mean I expect the software I use to look and feel totally different to the stuff I use at home. In fact it's a big help if it's the same.

Gravatar Image9 - I personally beleive emoticons are important, as are timestamps which are also requested often. Emoticons let someone know if something is serious or not.

If emoticons are suitable in a business environment, then mood stamps should also be removed from notes mail, but again they make sense in a business environment so they are there.

All these options though, should be configurable by the administrator for sametime, the same way that file transfer can be turned on or off. Maybe with some more granular control though.

Gravatar Image10 - Having spent an awful two weeks grappling with Portal Express on iSeries and Workplace Services Express I can see the IBM constraints as ALL these products must continue to coexists and be backwards compatible as there is a hardcore that refuses to upgrade to V6.

My philosophy is that if it annoys then workaround. I use Notes buddy and my Trillian Pro client is hooked up to 4 Sametime domains. Trillian is invaluable and works well so I do not really get annoyed anymore.

In any case, there are so many things to administer already that a simple Sametime client is a bit of a rest bite.

Gravatar Image11 - I second the use of Trillian. It has everything Sametime SHOULD have and more. I don't touch the Sametime client anymore, but I use Sametime servers all the time


Gravatar Image12 - I hope you include Sametime 7 beta screenshots... which will look the same, as well.

Gravatar Image13 - Lotus whines & moans about users migrating to Microsoft products--but when they put out crap like this, it is hard to blame consumers. And for those who point to the back-end... its typically not the IT department pushing an Exchange migration through. Keep up the lousy work Lotus--you'll soon lose every customer with decision makers outside of IS.

Gravatar Image14 - Hi Guyz, i am also not happy with IBM, coz after installing ST beta 7, emotions are not working properly, i even thought they were not compitable with other softwares,, the sucks:

Gravatar Image15 - Thanks for help! This is just what I was looking for!

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