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Scheduling disaster...

This was my own fault, and I can't believe I made this cockup. I'll be flying from the East to the West coast on June 13th, the same day as England's first game against France in the Euro2006 championships. This game will show us whether England have any chance of progressing in the championship (most likely not). The cockup? I'm going to be on the damn plane landing about 10 minutes before the end of the game, and it isn't Lufthansa so no broadband....arrrgggghhhhhh


Gravatar Image1 - It sounds like it will be the World Cup in 2006 not the European 2004 Cup. What you travelling by - shanks pony!!!! Its the stress of being home

Gravatar Image2 - I can beat that... I was in all places... America during the Rugby World Cup. I also was bed-ridden with flu.... so guess what... I got my dates confused and thought the final was on Sunday not Saturday so I missed the game [and the celebrations] completely.

I can't decide who is more fed up of seeing Jonny's drop-kick... me or the Aussies.

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