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What do people look for when they look for "lurve" on-line

Well according to a poll published in USA TODAY, 56% look at pictures first, 17% said location and 10% look at age.

This is interesting and explains a few things, lets assume 50% of responders are male, so we can be 99.9% certain that men look at pictures first. Which means that 12.02% of women look at pictures first. This explains a lot as all these dating web personality tests say that 2% of women match my "type", whatever that is. Now I am pretty sure that my 2% fall into that 12.02%, then if we take into account my new location which is not exactly of large population density and I can learn a few things. The key ones being I need a hot picture and my odds are really low...


Gravatar Image1 - 1) Get a nice dog, say, a golden retriever.

2) Post his picture.

3) Watch the ladies beat a path to your door!

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