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The present that keeps on giving...

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electric shocks! My brother Richard (the same brother that tried to chop his fingers of with the plane), got me a game called "Lightning Reaction", in my eagerness to try out the game I decided to skip useful things like the instructions. Being the mean person that I am, I assumed the idea behind the game was that everyone would be given a steady electric shock and the last one holding wins. Well it turns out that was totally wrong, it took a few electric shocks to each of us before we decided to check the instructions for a better way. What you're supposed to do is push a button, and when the button changes colour and sound you hit a button in the handle, the last one to hit the button gets the shock, already the repressed college student in me is thinking how I can turn this into a drinking game. OK lose a round not only do you get a shot of electricity but also a shot of tequila, after a few rounds, I'm pretty sure the poor sod who started off slowest is going to be having a lot of shots, if anyone fancies a challenge in Lotusphere, let me know.


Gravatar Image1 - Carl - I'd take you up on that challenge but unfortunately will not be attending Lotusphere
I'll nominate a stand-in though, my mate Bill Buchan since he will be attending.

I'll tell him to get in touch with you

Gravatar Image2 - Sounds like an excellent idea for the infamous Turtle party at ESPN on Saturday...

---* Bill

Gravatar Image3 - See Carl - I knew my stand-in wouldn't let me down

Gravatar Image4 - I'm worried, and English guy drinking against a Scot? I have no chance

Gravatar Image5 - Time for the Navy to step up to the plate... count me in for some of that Carl.

If we use Pusser Rum, you wouldn't have a chance

Gravatar Image6 - at least rum has zero carbs! Hope you had a good Christmas, New Year and Boxing Day in Canada Rob!

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