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Problems with the alarm..

So my 6am taxi this morning arrived spot on time (which is very unusual for them), unfortunately I had set my clock to wake me up at 5.30PM not 5.30AM. So needless to say the first thing I knew was getting a call from the cab company telling me there was a taxi outside my house. I should point out that these guys have been late picking me up by as much as 20-30 minutes before, so I didn't feel too bad being 10 minutes late.

Sadly the cab driver didn't agree with me and gave me an earful, now anyone that knows me will know that my body and mind don't fully awaken until about 10AM, so the shock of some guy cursing you at 6.10am can come as a shock, fortunately in situations like this, my body and mind wake up pretty damn quick and I had soon explained the principles behind keeping your mouth shut and driving a car.

If there is a cab driver God, then she got revenge later when I arrived at San Jose, turns out San Jose has something like 17 Best Western hotels, and when I realised that the cab driver was driving in the wrong direction, and asked him where he was going, he admitted he didn't know where any of the 17 are. Typically I can remember totally useless facts, for example I couldn't remember the address of the Best Western I wanted, but I could remember the mapquest map and the hotels position in relation to the airport and doubletree guest suites. So with a cab driver that didn't know where we were going and me using my inbuilt GPS we got to the Best Western a few minutes later.

Anyway, hello from San Jose! It's nice and sunny, but the pool is closed for renovations

Sitting on the plane I read the customary SkyMall magazine, and I want to say two things, who buys this stuff, and more importantly who buys a remote control submarine, how can you see it to control it?


Gravatar Image1 - I was once in a cab in NYC that got pulled over by a cop, which was kind of amusing.

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