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Pepe Le Pieu...blow his little head off...

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Growing up in England we come across very few creatures that are truly dangerous or smell really bad, in fact the worst smelling thing in England is probably my brother's feet. Where I live there seems to be a family or multiple family of skunks that like to go through the rubbish to feed themselves, but that isn't my problem with them, the problem is they really do smell so so bad when they give out a squirt. Now I have never been one to condone gun ownership, and I do believe that probably the NRA is full of whackos (actually I don't mean that, they are a really really powerful lobby group and could have this site closed down in minutes, which is pretty impressive for whackos), and they're the last people that should be allowed guns (on a side note do you think the http://www.NRA.org website was built with Websphere Portal?), each summer I get a greater understanding for why Americans have the right to bare arms in their constitution, and it's as simple as this...


Some might believe this to be a little extreme, but I really believe the reason the constitution has the rights to bare arms is not to protect themselves from the invading hordes of well wishing English people, but to protect themselves from those stinky little b*&tards. Now if I was a gardener I am sure they do some good like eating slugs and snails, but I'm not so I don't care about that. If they ate the other pest in my life mosquitos, then maybe, just maybe I'd give the skunks a reprieve, but they don't so therefore they must die.

So to all the residents of Massachusetts, I put out this appeal, grab your arms and rise up against the mighty stinking skunk and blow their little heads off! Then maybe I will be allowed to sleep and not be awoken by the rancid smelling vermin. To the NRA members with guns, I can make this really easy, think of all skunks as Pepe Le Pieu, he was French you know, and then think what you'd like to do to the French, but do it to dear old Pepe...


Gravatar Image1 - "Ah ma cherie....<kiss>....<kiss>....<kiss>!!!"

Gravatar Image2 - Poor Tony, looks like the beads in N'orleans got to him..

Gravatar Image3 - Depends how you define "lobby".

You might want to look on the web a bit and do some research on some of the antigun groups. A lot of them have ties to the government and are run by people who have broken a few laws. Go find out who was behind the Million Mom March. Go look at all the bogus statistics they put out to justify their anti-gun position.

The NRA is mostly grass roots people, though you might think they're all whackos. The people at the highest levels of the NRA are in it more for the money than the ideals (big surprise)-:

As for what guns mean to people here, it symbolizes freedom and self-defense and trust. As in the government has to trust their own citizens enough to trust that they won't overthrow them. As in if a psycho is breaking into your sister's home, what would she do to keep herself safe for the 20min it takes the police to get there.

Keep an open mind and be informed rather than passing judgement based on what the media has told you about how guns are "evil" (which in itself is an oxymoron because inanimate objects can't magically kill people)...

Gravatar Image4 - It's interesting to see trust mentioned, by having a gun for some of the reasons you mention, implies that you don't trust your fellow citizens, as you need a gun to defend you sister's home.

I can't help but think the constitutional right to bare arms was long before there were sub machine guns and automatic revolvers etc. and it isn't quite what the American fathers were thinking off when they penned it. It interests me to see on the TV news that if an American Arab is found with guns in their car they must be a terrorist, but if a WASP American is caught with a bunch of guns in their car, they are considered a gun enthusiast upholding the American dream. Do people really need an uzi to defend their house against a burgular.

To me, if I had a gun, and I caught someone trying to steal my TV (or my sisters TV), I would rather let them have my TV than take their life.

By the way I value your opinion, and that's one of the great things about the respective countries we are from, we can say these things, although to be honest, I actually think Britain has more free speech than America, and is more accepting of views that disagree with the government and doesn't get caught up in an argument of anything that is a different opinion is therefore anti-patriotic, the great thing is we can agree to disagree as we both have that fundamental right.

Gravatar Image5 - Classic misfocused comments from listening to the government sponsored antigun lobby

"you need a gun to defend you sister's home"
Errr...go back and read what I wrote. Person is hitting your door w/ a sledehammer. Cops take 20min to get there. What are you going to do in that time? Pray to all the gods that the cops get there in time before you become a CSI case??
There is always evil. Evil always finds a way and they do not follow laws (hence the name "criminal"). It it about having enough good guys in the world to combat evil when it rears its ugly head.

"isn't quite what the American fathers were thinking"

And the computer is? The printing press is? You have to look at their intentions. If you read an analysis of the writing of the Constitution and the times, you'd understand that they were *afraid* of standing armies. The National Guard is not what they intended because it is run by the government.

"need an uzi to defend"

Never said that. Exaggerating like that makes you sound like you're making stuff up in desperation

"let them have my TV than take their life"

Never said that either. I challenge you to take a shooting course and see what they advise you to do. The penalties are very severe and the responsibilities of being a gun owner are very high. E.g., if you happen to let your shirt untuck and someone sees your gun, you are charged w/ assault (assault is the perception of danger here) and your license is revoked and you have to spend 50K defending yourself. If you kill someone, you'd better be prepared to spend 100-200K on legal bills, be labelled a killer, possibly lose your job from the perception, and be sued in criminal and civil courts. I kid you not.
If you did what you suggested, you'd be paying the family of the guy you shot for the TV for the rest of your life if you have a job. That's if you're not in jail because you'd be charged with murder because you obviously weren't in mortal danger.

"Britain has more free speech than America"

Sure. And that's why you didn't hear much in your very liberal media about how true the government's "statistics" were when they started banning guns. Oddly enough, there's a lot more crime since this happened and banning guns was magically supposed to prevent this

Gravatar Image6 - BTW, I'm not a gunowner. I am a Libertarian, however. I do have a friend who is a gunowner and believed a lot of the things you do until he challenged me to research the statistics. The antigun lobby's statistics were consistently incorrect, to the point of outright lies as I dug deeper. Do some research and let me know what you think.

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