Tim Fountain checking in...
I've been thinking a lot about calendars lately. I think it's because my kids are getting old enough where they have enough activities that it's hard to keep track. Plus I read this on Collaboration Loop the other day.
Larry Cannell pretty much describes exactly what I want: a master family calendar that I can access from the web. It would roll up all our individual calendars (mine, the wife's the kids') so I could see who was doing what when. And our individual calendars would be, in part, generated by subscriptions to other calendars (the soccer league, the volunteer groups, etc). So that when my son's soccer practice gets moved from 3pm to 4, his calendar gets updated automaticallly, and the family one does too.
And maybe, just maybe, my Instant Technologies bot sends me an IM that says I need to pick him up an hour later.
Posted by Chris Miller At 03:49:56 PM On 03/10/2006 | - Website - |