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Lotus Knows that during a volcanic eruption Sametime can help you come together...

Anyone seen these Ads yet? Probably don't exist, but what a great opportunity it would have been to have had them plastered over every train station in Europe.  Seriously, what a great opportunity for IBMers to push the benefits of Sametime Meetings.  The Eyjafjallajökull  (looks like a cat walked on the keyboard) volcano eruption has shown how much we all still rely on airlines for all sorts of things, travel, produce, mail, deliveries, really is a big reminder of how small we all are.  I mean if I wanted to send an overnight package to England from Boston right now I don't believe it's not possible, or it would cost a frigging fortune.  Amazing really.


Gravatar Image1 - Well, actually european transportation ministers are meeting through Video Conferencing to decide what to do ...
An opportunity here to push for these solution!?

Gravatar Image2 - Well it seems as if adobe ... { Link } .. and netviewer ... { Link } ... have seen the opportunity.

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