Quick demo video of the Slingcatcher
Category Slingbox Media
As many of you that read this blog know, I gave up my cable TV a few months back and a few years ago I also got a great device called the slingbox.
This week I got a new companion to the slingbox, the slingcatcher. The Slingcatcher is purely a device for watching it is not a server, it is purely a client. Slingcatcher lets me pick a slingbox and watch on my regular TV, it comes with a remote. Using it I can quickly switch between a slingbox I have access to in the UK and a few slingboxes friends have given me access to in the US.
Here's a quick video of how it looks when streaming from the sling in the UK and the Sling in the US. Pretty cool stuff. A little tricky holding the remote, looking at the screen trying to contol the slingcatcher with a remote at an awkward angle.
As many of you that read this blog know, I gave up my cable TV a few months back and a few years ago I also got a great device called the slingbox.
This week I got a new companion to the slingbox, the slingcatcher. The Slingcatcher is purely a device for watching it is not a server, it is purely a client. Slingcatcher lets me pick a slingbox and watch on my regular TV, it comes with a remote. Using it I can quickly switch between a slingbox I have access to in the UK and a few slingboxes friends have given me access to in the US.
Here's a quick video of how it looks when streaming from the sling in the UK and the Sling in the US. Pretty cool stuff. A little tricky holding the remote, looking at the screen trying to contol the slingcatcher with a remote at an awkward angle.
Posted by dennis heinle At 10:54:27 PM On 03/18/2010 | - Website - |
@2 the US Pipe is about 3mb
Posted by Carl Tyler At 10:56:00 PM On 03/18/2010 | - Website - |
Posted by Mike Rice At 07:56:58 AM On 03/21/2010 | - Website - |