Short field take offs and landings
Category Flying
This weekend I flew to visit a friend. Not far from their their house there is a small runway, when I say small it's 1900 ft. On a hot day, 1900 ft is tight in my plane. Let's just say my butt cheeks were clenched for that take off
Now if only my plane could do this kind of crazy stuff
This weekend I flew to visit a friend. Not far from their their house there is a small runway, when I say small it's 1900 ft. On a hot day, 1900 ft is tight in my plane. Let's just say my butt cheeks were clenched for that take off

Now if only my plane could do this kind of crazy stuff
Posted by Roy Rumaner At 04:26:33 PM On 08/17/2009 | - Website - |
As for those takeoffs, just rip out all the weight in your plane, add a bigger engine, and a stall kit and you are good to go.
Carl, I suspect you get better fuel economy and better trip times than the turbo-cub
Just remember, "there is no one perfect airplane".
Oh yeah, one more thing - the runway at TSF is only 1850'.
Posted by Glen At 05:14:46 PM On 08/17/2009 | - Website - |
So if the farm is 1850, how far to the nearest tree?
Mind you, unless the airfield gets onto a sectional map, insurance won't let me fly into it anyway.
Posted by Carl Tyler At 06:00:41 PM On 08/17/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Arthur Fontaine At 12:15:54 AM On 08/20/2009 | - Website - |
{ Link }
Posted by Mike Rice At 02:58:40 PM On 08/20/2009 | - Website - |
nice landing in a tight spot though.
Posted by Carl Tyler At 03:06:35 PM On 08/20/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Glen At 11:18:40 AM On 08/24/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 11:21:14 AM On 08/24/2009 | - Website - |