Internet Explorer 8 breaks word wrapping in Sametime and slows down Notes 8.x
Category Sametime IE8
People are asking me this question more as their machines get updated so I thought it was worth a blog entry.
If you're running Sametime on Windows, Sametime uses Internet Explorer as an embedded object to render the chat. Users that have had their machines updated to Internet Explorer 8 are finding that their chats no longer word wrap. There are a few solutions to this problem:
1. Don't chat with people that send you long lines of text.
2. Remove IE8 and install an older version (good luck on that one) as IE8 is not supported by IBM
3. Follow the steps in this technote, that explain how to modify a Sametime Cascading StyleSheet to make it work.
If you're using Notes 8.x you may notice a big delay when you open emails sent to you via the internet. This is also due to IE8 and Notes 8.x now using Internt Explorer as it's rendering engine. I fixed this one for me by setting the preference "Disable embedded browser for MIME email"
People are asking me this question more as their machines get updated so I thought it was worth a blog entry.
If you're running Sametime on Windows, Sametime uses Internet Explorer as an embedded object to render the chat. Users that have had their machines updated to Internet Explorer 8 are finding that their chats no longer word wrap. There are a few solutions to this problem:
1. Don't chat with people that send you long lines of text.
2. Remove IE8 and install an older version (good luck on that one) as IE8 is not supported by IBM
3. Follow the steps in this technote, that explain how to modify a Sametime Cascading StyleSheet to make it work.
If you're using Notes 8.x you may notice a big delay when you open emails sent to you via the internet. This is also due to IE8 and Notes 8.x now using Internt Explorer as it's rendering engine. I fixed this one for me by setting the preference "Disable embedded browser for MIME email"

Posted by Tina McLeod At 01:53:29 AM On 05/28/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by steve At 11:56:57 AM On 06/17/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Michael At 11:52:44 AM On 04/13/2011 | - Website - |
Posted by Stuart At 03:00:25 PM On 09/01/2011 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 03:06:14 PM On 09/01/2011 | - Website - |