How threatening exactly is Cuba? Microsoft shuts off MSN IM
Category Cuba MSN
I've never really understood why the American government is still so terrified of Cuba, what exactly is the threat from that country? I'm pretty certain that these embargoes and travel restrictions have only harmed innocent people and not the leaders. What use are embargoes, if other countries deal with them anyway?
Microsoft cuts IM service to five 'hostile' nations
I've never really understood why the American government is still so terrified of Cuba, what exactly is the threat from that country? I'm pretty certain that these embargoes and travel restrictions have only harmed innocent people and not the leaders. What use are embargoes, if other countries deal with them anyway?
Microsoft cuts IM service to five 'hostile' nations
Microsoft has stopped offering its Windows Live Messenger service to users in five countries that are subject to U.S. sanctions, the company confirmed Friday.
The U.S. considers each of those countries to be hostile or threatening in some way to its national interests.
Posted by Tim Tripcony At 09:07:19 AM On 05/24/2009 | - Website - |
You may recall that Florida is a strategic state for national politics -- hanging chads anyone? -- so it's tough to piss the Cuban ex-pats off.
Everyone makes a big deal that only when Castro's generation passes will reform be possible; it's equally true that only when the generation that got hosed by la revolucion passes will we be able to pursue rational policy vis a vis Cuba.
And yes, I think the whole thing is stupid and wish I could visit that beautiful historic place like everyone else can.
Posted by Arthur Fontaine At 03:17:00 PM On 05/24/2009 | - Website - |
Funny enough the US allready exports foodstuff for some years. And a CEPAL paper estimated that cubans on the island receive every year about 1 billion of dollar from cubans in the United States, which is a lot considering the low productivity of the cuban economy.
The dictators archieved some goodness in education and health care. Unfortunatedly in the economy they have, education isn't that helpfull.
In 1997 I was for 3 weeks on that island. Talked a lot with locals. Before I didn't found the idea of comunism convincing, after the stay much less.
Nevertheless the embargo only gives the Castro Government the opportunity to blame the US for the permanent underperformance of their country.
Posted by Axel At 04:37:54 PM On 05/24/2009 | - Website - |