Are you running Sametime on AIX?
Category Sametime AIX
Who is it that's running Sametime on AIX? I maybe get asked about it once every 6 month. I'd have to think that maybe 5% of Sametime customers are running AIX tops, from what I can tell it primarily appears to be companies who have IBM to manage their IT infrastructure. are you running Sametime on AIX? Why did you select AIX as your OS? I'm interested to know why someone would choose AIX over say Linux or Windows.
Who is it that's running Sametime on AIX? I maybe get asked about it once every 6 month. I'd have to think that maybe 5% of Sametime customers are running AIX tops, from what I can tell it primarily appears to be companies who have IBM to manage their IT infrastructure. are you running Sametime on AIX? Why did you select AIX as your OS? I'm interested to know why someone would choose AIX over say Linux or Windows.
I don't have any clients who do though.
Posted by Keith Brooks At 07:58:26 PM On 12/08/2008 | - Website - |
(if you remember you and I had a conference call with IBM when I was working for this specific customer regarding some additional Sametime functionality they needed etc)
I really like pSeries and would deploy Domino/Sametime on the platform again. I may however run Sametime on Linux on pSeries. Windows is good however since I had the hardware . . . . .
My current site is Sametime for 24k users on 2 8-way Windows 2003 boxes and they have not missed a beat so scalability is no problem.
Posted by Simon Bounds At 05:15:25 AM On 12/09/2008 | - Website - |