TivoHD and Netflix Instant Play went live today!
Category TivoHD Netflix
If you have a TivoHD and a Netflix account, great news, today the feature for playing your watch instantly Netflix movies went live. Under the Video on Demand menu option, Netflix is now listed as an option. After selecting to activate the account with the passcode provided in the TivoHD menu at the www.netflix/activate website, my Netflix watch list appeared on the Tivo.
Video on Demand options
Netflix Instant Queue
Movie information
Starting player, tests network speed, optimizes performance
Movie started
Fast forward, shows a shrunk picture, but allows for fast forward, and tick skip
If you have a TivoHD and a Netflix account, great news, today the feature for playing your watch instantly Netflix movies went live. Under the Video on Demand menu option, Netflix is now listed as an option. After selecting to activate the account with the passcode provided in the TivoHD menu at the www.netflix/activate website, my Netflix watch list appeared on the Tivo.
Video on Demand options

Netflix Instant Queue

Movie information

Starting player, tests network speed, optimizes performance

Movie started

Fast forward, shows a shrunk picture, but allows for fast forward, and tick skip