LotusphereLive 2009 - Live Blogging
Category LotusphereLive returns
I few people have asked me, and I am pleased to announce, that yes LotusphereLive will be back for 2009. I will again live blog the opening session, and with my new toy from a few weeks ago there will be plenty of pictures. To the end user not much will probably change in the presentation of the data. To Chris and myself though who enter the postings, I've made things much easier for us, with integrated picture upload and sizing. So entries should appear much more quickly. Also for those with one (not me), I'm making sure that the chat can be watched from an iPhone.
Another new capability, is that anyone who registers on the site, can also have their own LiveBlogging session, so you'll be able to do you own live blogging using the Domino platform if you want.
I built the application in such a way that it can very easily be modified to support unique chat rooms, which leads to a question, are Lotusphere attendees and non attendees come to that, interested in a persistent chat room for each Lotusphere session? Are Lotusphere attendees interested in chat rooms for their sessions? Let me know, as it isn't much work to add that capability, it could probably be somehow tied into Ben's Lotusphere Session database.

I few people have asked me, and I am pleased to announce, that yes LotusphereLive will be back for 2009. I will again live blog the opening session, and with my new toy from a few weeks ago there will be plenty of pictures. To the end user not much will probably change in the presentation of the data. To Chris and myself though who enter the postings, I've made things much easier for us, with integrated picture upload and sizing. So entries should appear much more quickly. Also for those with one (not me), I'm making sure that the chat can be watched from an iPhone.
Another new capability, is that anyone who registers on the site, can also have their own LiveBlogging session, so you'll be able to do you own live blogging using the Domino platform if you want.
I built the application in such a way that it can very easily be modified to support unique chat rooms, which leads to a question, are Lotusphere attendees and non attendees come to that, interested in a persistent chat room for each Lotusphere session? Are Lotusphere attendees interested in chat rooms for their sessions? Let me know, as it isn't much work to add that capability, it could probably be somehow tied into Ben's Lotusphere Session database.
Posted by Bruce Elgort At 10:09:50 AM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
* Twitter doesn't update fast enough
* No embedded pictures in twitter
* No Rich Text
* Twitter is boring
* Not built on Domino Technology
* Twitter has jumped the shark
Posted by Carl Tyler At 10:17:08 AM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Have you automated the process of getting photos from your camera, resized and into your dominoblog?
Posted by Eric Mack At 11:43:20 AM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Make sure you have you BS filter on, and let us know if any of the screen shots a fake!
Posted by Adam Osborne At 01:55:28 PM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Glen At 02:52:57 PM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Karen At 04:11:34 PM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 04:13:31 PM On 11/18/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Karen At 09:22:41 AM On 11/19/2008 | - Website - |