Skybus, 10 tickets for $10 on every flight
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I'd never heard of skybus before reading a posting on the iSeries Addict blog. But they're running a promotion where they have 10 tickets for $10 on every flight. Little did I know that they fly from Pease in Portsmouth, NH, which is nice as the parking there is free and there is hardly any security line. So I decided to see if I could get a $10 ticket. I've never been to Greensboro, NC and I managed to get a return ticket for the weekend of February 22 for $32. I have no idea what's in Greensboro, or what there is around there, but for $32 I'm going to find out
I'd never heard of skybus before reading a posting on the iSeries Addict blog. But they're running a promotion where they have 10 tickets for $10 on every flight. Little did I know that they fly from Pease in Portsmouth, NH, which is nice as the parking there is free and there is hardly any security line. So I decided to see if I could get a $10 ticket. I've never been to Greensboro, NC and I managed to get a return ticket for the weekend of February 22 for $32. I have no idea what's in Greensboro, or what there is around there, but for $32 I'm going to find out

You'll be in relatively close driving distance from the High Point furniture markets, and a couple hours from Asheville , the Biltmore Estate, and other sights out in the mountains. Or you could always head East an hour to Chapel Hill and your friends in Raleigh :)
Posted by Adam Gartenberg At 10:43:22 AM On 10/26/2007 | - Website - |
Wife has booked 2 different SkyBus trips to GSO already. Can't beat $72 for a family of five (taxes included).
Having grown up there, I can concur that it's best used as a starting point to go other places.
Posted by Tim Fountain At 12:42:00 PM On 10/26/2007 | - Website - |