website template download...
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For those that have sent emails or left comments requesting it, here is the database talked about here.
For those that have sent emails or left comments requesting it, here is the database talked about here.
Best of luck to your Dad regarding the pension issue...seems vets always get the short end of the stick despite putting their lives on the line for the future generations.
Regarding the template, I enjoyed playing with it. The only frustration was the hard coding of the website host in the HTML head content. It caused the navigation to go to the live website instead of using the local test copy. After fishing around I found the best way to soft code the base tag is as below. Also, you can use the @WebDbName formula which was new in version 6. Apparently the following works even if you're running on a non-standard port (i.e. not port 80). Maybe some of the others will find this helpful as they reverse engineer your template for fun.
"<BASE HREF=" + "http://" + @GetHTTPHeader("HOST") + "/" + @WebDbName + "/root/>"
Posted by Roland Reddekop At 08:50:11 PM On 09/16/2007 | - Website - |