Why this IBMer hates Lotus Notes...
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I imagine this IBMer is going to have a lot of friends in his own company soon...especially as this is Part I which implies there will be more parts. Amazing that he blogs his hatred now, the day Notes 8 ships, versus blogging about it back when teh design could be changed/impacted.
I imagine this IBMer is going to have a lot of friends in his own company soon...especially as this is Part I which implies there will be more parts. Amazing that he blogs his hatred now, the day Notes 8 ships, versus blogging about it back when teh design could be changed/impacted.
Posted by Nathan T. Freeman At 04:21:21 PM On 08/17/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Glen At 04:48:35 PM On 08/17/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 05:10:40 PM On 08/17/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Adeleida At 01:28:22 PM On 08/18/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Adeleida At 01:29:30 PM On 08/18/2007 | - Website - |
We know what makes good software and what makes bad software
Yeah right. That website is the fugliest darn blog I've ever seen...
Posted by Ben Poole At 05:23:14 PM On 08/18/2007 | - Website - |
I absolutely did -not- tell him to tone it down, though I did suggest he read the IBM blogging guidelines. He said his wife thought he was committing "career suicide", which I said was a bit of an overstatement. Nonetheless, he chose, without prompting, to tone it down. And he also said he'd download Notes 8 and reconsider his comments...
Posted by Ed Brill At 06:52:32 PM On 08/19/2007 | - Website - |
Most of us hate change, especially forced ones to the way we've probably worked for years.
Posted by Dad At 05:17:54 AM On 08/20/2007 | - Website - |
@Nathan: I have long since given up pretending to know anything about design. If you look at my blog archives, you'll see I haven't written about web design in a long while. Besides, I was never creative--only well-versed on HTML/CSS syntax. I really need to re-word my blog sub-title.
@Carl: "no sex for you" was about right. :p Seriously, it was a stressful weekend--I really was worrying about my job for a couple of days.
@Adeleida: Sorry, you've missed the mark. I've never written anything publically about Notes before, and I while I do have a little bit of a blog ego when I find people do visit my site, I don't actively go solicit traffic.
@Ben: you didn't read any of my articles obviously. But that's besides the point, I am not a developer, nor a software designer. I'm an IT Engineer. I have nothing to do with making software. However--I am a software abuser and I know good software from bad--I'll challenge anyone on that. P.S., I need a new template but it's not high on my todo.
@Dad (not my real one I hope, he's passed on!): I've only been with IBM for roughly as long as ISS was acquired, so this doesn't truly apply to me either. I'm an old HP'er for real.
Posted by halr9000 At 08:20:04 PM On 09/05/2007 | - Website - |
It's also funny to read all these assumptions people make about me on so little information.
I don't know who this 'Vowe' guy is but all of my comments were well thought out. Feel free to contact me if you like.
Posted by halr9000 At 09:39:25 PM On 09/05/2007 | - Website - |