Jessie get's her wings
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Yesterday I flew myself and a friend to Nantucket for lunch, I also decided that it was time for Jessie to get some time in a small plane. Jessie has already been fortunate enough to have travelled across the Atlantic a couple of times, so flying was not a totally new experience, although BA and AA do operate on a very different scale to Carl Tyler Airlines.
So I had her jump into the baggage compartment, which gave her plenty of room to be comfortable. When I started the engine it did lead to some serious panting as the engine is pretty loud, she actually responded in a very similar way to which she treated the Paris Metro when she was nervous. On take-off she looked out the window with a very strange expression (I don't believe she had a window view on the transatlantic flights). After being in the air for about 2 minutes her usual habits took over, which is basically where she curls up into a ball and falls asleep. This is same habit took place on the Paris Metro, where on one rush hour where everyone was squeezed into the train and Jessie was wrapped around peoples feet that one passenger got very concerned and started shouting in French, the dog is dead, the dog is dead. Obviously she wasn't as she's still here, she was just sleeping.
The funniest thing flying with Jessie was every time I went to land, we'd get to about 500ft and her head would popup over the back seat to watch the whole event take place. Very funny indeed. Jessie also had her first ride on the back of a golf cart as we were ferried from the plane to the terminal.
Yesterday I flew myself and a friend to Nantucket for lunch, I also decided that it was time for Jessie to get some time in a small plane. Jessie has already been fortunate enough to have travelled across the Atlantic a couple of times, so flying was not a totally new experience, although BA and AA do operate on a very different scale to Carl Tyler Airlines.
So I had her jump into the baggage compartment, which gave her plenty of room to be comfortable. When I started the engine it did lead to some serious panting as the engine is pretty loud, she actually responded in a very similar way to which she treated the Paris Metro when she was nervous. On take-off she looked out the window with a very strange expression (I don't believe she had a window view on the transatlantic flights). After being in the air for about 2 minutes her usual habits took over, which is basically where she curls up into a ball and falls asleep. This is same habit took place on the Paris Metro, where on one rush hour where everyone was squeezed into the train and Jessie was wrapped around peoples feet that one passenger got very concerned and started shouting in French, the dog is dead, the dog is dead. Obviously she wasn't as she's still here, she was just sleeping.
The funniest thing flying with Jessie was every time I went to land, we'd get to about 500ft and her head would popup over the back seat to watch the whole event take place. Very funny indeed. Jessie also had her first ride on the back of a golf cart as we were ferried from the plane to the terminal.

Posted by bethany At 11:13:10 AM On 11/27/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 11:21:12 AM On 11/27/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Bethany At 11:30:54 AM On 11/27/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Bruce At 08:52:51 AM On 11/28/2006 | - Website - |