I will be presenting at the Collaborative Technologies Conference
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I will be presenting at the Collaborative Technologies Conference in Boston next month, and I need your help.
I will be presenting the session
So how can you help? Well many of the readers of this blog are individuals that work/worked for some of the first companies to embrace and adopt real-time applications, and I believe my slides would be more valuable if I can add some quotes from existing users in real-time enterprises. So please, feel free to comment and please feel free to post a comment sooner rather than later. I'll be sure to share the slides after the event.
I will be presenting at the Collaborative Technologies Conference in Boston next month, and I need your help.
I will be presenting the session
The State of the Real-Time Enterprise
Real-time applications, like instant messaging, chat, real-time conferencing, and others, have streamed into the enterprise over the past decade. What is the result? Do we have a real time enterprise today? If not, what will it look like, and when will we be there? What is holding us back? What are the missing pieces, and who will be bringing them into reality?
So how can you help? Well many of the readers of this blog are individuals that work/worked for some of the first companies to embrace and adopt real-time applications, and I believe my slides would be more valuable if I can add some quotes from existing users in real-time enterprises. So please, feel free to comment and please feel free to post a comment sooner rather than later. I'll be sure to share the slides after the event.