Do you have a Sametime SIP connector setup and would like to show the users presence on a web page
Category Sametime Technote
or chat with them through Sametime Links? It came to me in a flash at the weekend, that this should be possible if the name can be resolved OK. Even though this is not documented anywhere I got it working. Here's what you have to do.
First, you must be an authenticated STLinks user, this does not work for anonymous users. Second you need to have a writeSametimeLinks function call in the right format which is:
writeSametimeLink("@E","Carl Tyler on LCS box",false);
Notice the sip address preceded by the "@E " (note the space). By doing this you can get the awareness for the user on the other system and chat with them.

or chat with them through Sametime Links? It came to me in a flash at the weekend, that this should be possible if the name can be resolved OK. Even though this is not documented anywhere I got it working. Here's what you have to do.
First, you must be an authenticated STLinks user, this does not work for anonymous users. Second you need to have a writeSametimeLinks function call in the right format which is:
writeSametimeLink("@E","Carl Tyler on LCS box",false);
Notice the sip address preceded by the "@E " (note the space). By doing this you can get the awareness for the user on the other system and chat with them.

Posted by Jody At 06:39:07 PM On 05/17/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Pamela At 06:39:13 PM On 05/17/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Nathan At 06:39:23 PM On 05/17/2006 | - Website - |
" rel="nofollow">
Posted by hrvogt At 06:21:59 AM On 09/17/2006 | - Website - |