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I recently got hold of an unwanted IBM XSeries 350 quad processor machine, with SCSI drives etc. I think I will start the box of by hosting the upcoming website on it. Sadly the machine has no memory, so if there are any kind souls out there that have some unwanted PC100 ECC memory lying around send it my way. The machine also had in it 2 IBM Gigabit SX Server Adapters, which require fibre optics of which I have none, so I am happy to swap those for memory too
I recently got hold of an unwanted IBM XSeries 350 quad processor machine, with SCSI drives etc. I think I will start the box of by hosting the upcoming website on it. Sadly the machine has no memory, so if there are any kind souls out there that have some unwanted PC100 ECC memory lying around send it my way. The machine also had in it 2 IBM Gigabit SX Server Adapters, which require fibre optics of which I have none, so I am happy to swap those for memory too

Posted by bethany At 06:17:02 PM On 02/23/2006 | - Website - |