RSS Newsreaders
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I was thinking last night that I am surprised no one has developed a RSS Proxy for NewsGroup Readers. So basically you can have a small proxy gets information from RSS feeds and converts it on the fly into NNTP so that newsreaders can read it. Why is this useful? People could carry on using their existing UIs, so you could carry on using Outlook and have RSS feeds right within your Newsgroup folder along with other news from newsgroups, If you used Notes as a newsreader you could us it, you could use any of the other Newsreaders out there too. Now there are so many pure RSS readers out there though I doubt there is any point in it, I was just surprised no one had done it, or I couldn't find anyone that had done it.
I was thinking last night that I am surprised no one has developed a RSS Proxy for NewsGroup Readers. So basically you can have a small proxy gets information from RSS feeds and converts it on the fly into NNTP so that newsreaders can read it. Why is this useful? People could carry on using their existing UIs, so you could carry on using Outlook and have RSS feeds right within your Newsgroup folder along with other news from newsgroups, If you used Notes as a newsreader you could us it, you could use any of the other Newsreaders out there too. Now there are so many pure RSS readers out there though I doubt there is any point in it, I was just surprised no one had done it, or I couldn't find anyone that had done it.
Not an RSS to NNTP proxy, I know, but clearly they regard the two technologies as at least complementary (as I do).
Posted by Chris Linfoot At 04:49:58 AM On 01/06/2006 | - Website - |