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A politically incorrect post...

So today, Brian Rowe (don't tell his wife) who "claims" he is doing a promotional tour for Florida State University to prospective students, sent me a link to some pictures of his almamata. I suddenly have the urge to move to Florida and attend FSU as a mature student. Which lead me down the path of a very non PC thought. What the hell is about cleavage that can stop me dead in my tracks? I mean it's just two lumps of fat, but oh my...maybe this deserves a poll...


Gravatar Image1 - wow.

Gravatar Image2 - Gotta love those twins! :)

And now I'm starting to wonder if Ian will ever come back from Orlando. :)

Gravatar Image3 - Two lumps of fat? I don't think so. Maybe saline, or silicon. Hell, you could buy these for yourself, if you like them so much!

Gravatar Image4 - it must be in your genes Carl!!!!

Gravatar Image5 - @3 I have to admit I much prefer the 100% natural models, fake just isn't right.

@4 Very possibly.

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