I keep getting a feeling that Domino 6.5.4 and Sametime 6.5.1 on Windows 2003 Server are not a good combination
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This is a clean install of all server apps, OS's and currently this server has no load. But a few times I have come in to see this type of thing sitting on the screen:

I've had Sametime Windows 2000 boxes run for months with never being touched and the only thing to bring them down has been test code, yet on Windows 2003 things just don't seem to gel well. Anyone else seeing problems on Windows 2003 with Sametime server?
This is a clean install of all server apps, OS's and currently this server has no load. But a few times I have come in to see this type of thing sitting on the screen:

Posted by Greg Walrath At 01:35:23 PM On 06/27/2005 | - Website - |
We got a warning from a big CRM vendor, that all his apps crash in Notes 6.5.4 client when you switch from a tab in a tabbed table with a embedded view to a tab with a sametime enabled names field.
In 6.5.3 it worked. It also works when ST is deactivated.
6.5.4 seems to be a trouble maker...
Posted by Stephan H. Wissel At 01:48:58 PM On 06/27/2005 | - Website - |
I dont know about this problem however I was sent this as an IBM Support flash today
and I wondered how this was missed since 6.5.2 or what the specifics are? I never saw this while testing at a very large site with 2003 servers
Posted by Simon Bounds At 08:11:15 AM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |