Spring cleaning...
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I was walking the dog this morning and saw that a neighbour was throwing out an iMac. Now we don't have an apple in the office and it would actually be handy to allow for some potential testing of apps on the Apple browser. So I picked it up and took it to the office. Gave it a couple of hours to dry out, plugged it in an voila a working Apple iMac (iMac 406). It's running 8.6 and ony appears to have 32 Mb of memory. So I think we'll upgrade that and the OS. I don't really care about any other apps to run on it, as we'll only be testing the browser apps on it. Still not a bad find. Off course, if the memory costs and OS costs are more than a couple of hundred dollars, we'd probably be better off just getting a Mac mini.
I was walking the dog this morning and saw that a neighbour was throwing out an iMac. Now we don't have an apple in the office and it would actually be handy to allow for some potential testing of apps on the Apple browser. So I picked it up and took it to the office. Gave it a couple of hours to dry out, plugged it in an voila a working Apple iMac (iMac 406). It's running 8.6 and ony appears to have 32 Mb of memory. So I think we'll upgrade that and the OS. I don't really care about any other apps to run on it, as we'll only be testing the browser apps on it. Still not a bad find. Off course, if the memory costs and OS costs are more than a couple of hundred dollars, we'd probably be better off just getting a Mac mini.
Posted by Stephan H. Wissel At 11:21:37 AM On 05/09/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Sean At 04:18:11 AM On 05/11/2005 | - Website - |