
Sadly I haven't won anymore Blackberry devices, but fingers crossed I might win something else this week... just need to find a competition to enter.
A few things are happening tonight, one is my parents are getting into Florida for a vacation (I guess they just don't trust me to behave myself anymore), and we have the dinner for the Lotus awards, which Peyton and I are looking forward to. With two trophies, it should balance out our bookshelf nicely and stop the books sliding off one end
Managed to meet a few people/customers in the last couple of days in person rather than purely through IM or eMail. It's a bit like listening to the radio and seeing the person on TV, they never quite look the way you imagine. I always wonder how people think I am going to look? I think they are often surprised at how much hotter I am than they imagined.
Posted by Stu Davies At 03:21:57 AM On 01/27/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 09:04:38 AM On 01/27/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Rune Carlsen At 01:21:37 PM On 01/27/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Lisa At 04:23:08 PM On 01/27/2004 | - Website - |