A little help for George Bush
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Some of you have been upset at how I have been so quick to judge George W. So I have decided that I should try and help him out a little.
I decided a good place to help George might be his energy policy, now George decided to leave the Kyoto treaty because "there is no evidence of global warming", When George finds out that global warming is a serious threat, he needs to quickly come up with an alternative to the much held belief that exhaust gases are causing global warming, so folks here it is, I am going to help George out with the real reason for global warming, which has nothing to do with exhaust gases, so here it is, the Tyler Tyre theory (in America this could be called the Tyler Tire theory)
The Tyler Tyre Theory The Earth is like a container, the atmosphere can be though of as solid sides of the container. Within that container there is a constant amount of air, this constant value was enough to fill the earth from top to bottom, so no holes in the ozone layer.
As time has gone on, the number of vehicles on the planet has increased, some may argue that these extra cars and their exhaust emissions are causing the global warming, they would be wrong, what is actually happening is that as more and more cars are being used, there are more and more tyres being produced, as we all know the air in a vehicles tyre is compressed, thereby putting more air into a space than the air would normally take up. As the air in the tyres is taking up less space, the volume of the air in the atmosphere has gone down. Over the years, as more and more tyres have been used and cars have got bigger and requiring higher PSI on tyres, it has caused the earths atmosphere at the top and bottom of the earth (the poles) to disappear, effectively the air level has decreased causing the appearance of what many have confused as holes in the Ozone layer.
So the good news is, there is an easy fix to this problem, we all just let the air out of tyres and put solid rubber pram wheels on our cars.
See now no one can ever say I didn't help George Bush out.
If anyone would like to give me a government grant to investigate this theory further I would be happy to do so.
Some of you have been upset at how I have been so quick to judge George W. So I have decided that I should try and help him out a little.
I decided a good place to help George might be his energy policy, now George decided to leave the Kyoto treaty because "there is no evidence of global warming", When George finds out that global warming is a serious threat, he needs to quickly come up with an alternative to the much held belief that exhaust gases are causing global warming, so folks here it is, I am going to help George out with the real reason for global warming, which has nothing to do with exhaust gases, so here it is, the Tyler Tyre theory (in America this could be called the Tyler Tire theory)
The Tyler Tyre Theory The Earth is like a container, the atmosphere can be though of as solid sides of the container. Within that container there is a constant amount of air, this constant value was enough to fill the earth from top to bottom, so no holes in the ozone layer.
As time has gone on, the number of vehicles on the planet has increased, some may argue that these extra cars and their exhaust emissions are causing the global warming, they would be wrong, what is actually happening is that as more and more cars are being used, there are more and more tyres being produced, as we all know the air in a vehicles tyre is compressed, thereby putting more air into a space than the air would normally take up. As the air in the tyres is taking up less space, the volume of the air in the atmosphere has gone down. Over the years, as more and more tyres have been used and cars have got bigger and requiring higher PSI on tyres, it has caused the earths atmosphere at the top and bottom of the earth (the poles) to disappear, effectively the air level has decreased causing the appearance of what many have confused as holes in the Ozone layer.
So the good news is, there is an easy fix to this problem, we all just let the air out of tyres and put solid rubber pram wheels on our cars.
See now no one can ever say I didn't help George Bush out.
If anyone would like to give me a government grant to investigate this theory further I would be happy to do so.
How are things going?
Just out of curiousity, since you seem to know so much about IM technology @ Lotus/IBM, whatever happened to my old project LTSS (translation services for sametime)? Did those features get bundled in or dropped or what?
Just curious.
Posted by Lis Riba At 10:28:43 PM On 12/04/2003 | - Website - |
I think the product was changed into Websphere Translation services, and the price was jacked up to something like $50k, so no one I ever know has purchased it. Also it has been marketed so poorly, if at all that no one even knows about it.
Posted by Carl At 10:42:17 PM On 12/04/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Joel Demay At 10:48:21 AM On 12/05/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Brian Green At 04:45:05 PM On 12/05/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Chris Miller At 10:51:50 PM On 12/08/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Dad At 08:23:57 AM On 12/09/2003 | - Website - |